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A renewable source of energy. 100% ecological

Bioethanol is considered a renewable source of energy that is 100 % ecological, respectful of the environment and does not contribute to global warming

Bioethanol, or simply “ethanol”, as a fuel used in fireplaces, is produced through the fermentation of products of plant origin, such as sugar cane, potatoes, beetroot and cereals, among others. It is considered to be a renewable source of energy, 100% ecological, which respects the environment and does not contribute to global warming. Hence the name “bio” ethanol.

Its combustion causes the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). At first glance, this may cause you a little concern and insecurity. However, if you think about it, these are the substances produced by our breathing. This is undoubtedly one of the reasons why bioethanol combustion is clean and complete.

As bioethanol fireplaces don’t  need pipes or chimneys, most of the heat generated by bioethanol combustion is concentrated on site – bioethanol efficiency.

Hedonistic, dancing fire

Specially designed to burn good quality bioethanol, our Exclusive bioethanol fireplaces make you feel warm and cosy, giving you an incredibly dancing flame, the most real in the world.

The consequences of using the wrong fuel

Only the recommended fuel should be used. Apart from bioethanol, no other fuel should be used in the fireplace. Using the wrong fuel can lead to the emission of irritating gases or soot, or even toxic gases that can harm your health. In order to ensure the safe use of your fireplace, pay attention to:

  • The type of bioethanol recommended and the precautions to be taken when using, handling and storing it;
  • The manufacturer’s instructions on what to do if you can’t find the right fuel. Choosing and using an unsuitable fuel, as well as failing to comply with the instructions, contributes to an increased risk of accidents;
  • Information on the bioethanol supplier and GlammFire dealers/distributors.

emissions and indoor air quality

The combustion of bioethanol releases carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). These are the same products that are produced by our breathing. In other words, they are harmless substances. However, it is recommended that you keep the room well ventilated to ensure a healthy oxygen level.

Follow our instructions carefully to ensure:

  • Correct installation of the fireplace;
  • Good ventilation of the room;
  • The use of the recommended fuel.

Frequently asked questions

Completely. Bioethanol is a biodegradable, water-soluble compound that is obtained from the fermentation of natural products, and only carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) result from its combustion.

Bioethanol can be bought in 1-litre and 5-litre containers from any GlammFire retailer, hypermarkets or other commercial establishments authorised to sell bioethanol.

The average price of a litre of bioethanol varies depending on where you buy it and how much you want. On average, the price is around €2.50 per litre.

Generally, 2 litres of bioethanol heat up for 6 hours when our burners are set to the medium position. As bioethanol fireplaces don’t need pipes or chimneys, most of the heat generated by the combustion of bioethanol is concentrated on site.

The combustion of bioethanol produces carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). These are the same substances that are produced by our breathing, i.e. they are harmless substances. However, it is recommended that you keep the room well ventilated to ensure a healthy oxygen level.

The combustion of good quality bioethanol does not release fumes or any kind of undesirable odours. There is only a slight odour when the bioethanol burns out and the flame is extinguished, which quickly dissipates into the air.

No additional ventilation is required. It is only recommended that you keep a door or window open to maintain good ventilation in the room where your fireplace is installed.

Choosing and using the wrong fuel contributes to a greater risk of accidents. That’s why you should only use the recommended fuel. Apart from bioethanol, no other fuel should be used in your fireplace. Using the wrong fuel can lead to the emission of irritating gases or soot, or even toxic gases that can harm your health.

Bioethanol should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from any source of ignition and out of the reach of children, and should not be exposed to sunlight. Bioethanol is regulated by various standards worldwide. Therefore, in order to ensure safe use and handling, as well as recommended storage, you should familiarise yourself with and comply with the regulations.